At SureStore, we believe that meeting like-minded individuals is the most effective way to gain new clients and learn from the achievements of others. Business Networking can create a plethora of opportunities for your business, including self-promotion, business expansion, and valuable industry connections.

We have recently launched a brand new co-working space at our Stafford branch to help small business owners, freelancers and start-ups to benefit from the perks of an office without the high overheads. Joining our co-working office space has many benefits, including meeting like-minded individuals and being invited to our exclusive events. Here are just a few of the ways that networking can help your business to flourish.


Recognition of your business is a key element of networking. Being present at local community events, business or otherwise is a great way to push your profile and gain more awareness for your company. Being familiar to others is at the core of Business Networking, as it helps to build trust and credibility surrounding you and your brand. It’s important that your business is one of the first that comes to mind in your area when people need what you offer. Establishing yourself as a well-known, reliable source in your field, develops confidence in not just your brand, but you as a person. If a potential client feels they can depend on you and can put a face to the name, it massively increases your chances of repeat business.


Face to face networking opens up opportunities that prove difficult to gain elsewhere. Aligning yourself with like-minded business owners can help you to solve problems that may have arisen in your business and gain some strong connections too. It’s important to seek advice on the improvement of your business from those who have experience in the areas that perhaps you aren’t as confident in. These connections can lead to future Business collaborations, joint ventures, new clients and much more. The opportunities in Business Networking are infinite, and all of them will amount to gradual company growth if you embrace them.


If you want to get the most out of your business, you need to make sure you have the right tools for success. Having a relevant and useful source of connections in your field is invaluable if you ever need assistance. Business Networking not only connects you to those who can help you but also to those who you can help. Building strong alliances with individuals who share similar goals to you is a great arch to learning about what others find useful within their business. When you create these bonds with people, they are more likely to share their connections with you too. This is a quick and effective way of being introduced to highly influential people that you may have found it tricky to approach or bridge a connection with otherwise.


Being a business owner can be difficult and sometimes feel lonely. Business Networking introduces you to friendly faces who are dealing with the same challenges as you or maybe have overcome them, which is far more challenging to do through alternative forms of marketing. These relationships will give you rare business advice that is essential to your personal growth. Surrounding yourself with positivity and support from those who understand your struggles is so important when you are striving for success. Maintaining a work-life balance can prove problematic, so forging strong friendships with similar people in the same boat as you can benefit your overall wellbeing.


One of the main reasons business owners attend Networking events, is to find credible leads to help extend their client base. Networking will help you to pre-screen potential clients and eliminate the possibility of dead ends. A Business Networking event is specifically designed to create ease around approaching people, making it more likely for you to generate legitimate and high-quality leads to eventually convert into clients.


Every business starts somewhere, something we also recognise as an SME in Staffordshire ourselves. Following the success of our recent Business Networking event “Developing a Winning Business Culture,” we will be continuing to deliver Business Networking events throughout the year, tailored to help your business thrive.

Our events will provide you with:

  • Advice on your business from industry professionals
  • Strong Networking opportunities
  • Inspiration for the future of your business
  • Business insight into the ever-changing economy
  • Q&A opportunities
  • Complimentary drinks and lunch

Our coworking, office and storage space provides small businesses with the opportunity to network even easier. Our new co-working and office space offers free and secure parking, use of our meeting room, dedicated desks, free hot drinks and much more. Grow your small business today by getting in touch with us.