Outdoor space is very valuable, especially in busy cities, so it’s crucial that you make the most of it! Your garden or outdoor space can be a great addition to your home and extra living space, whether you plan to enjoy a morning coffee in the sun, spend nights by the log fire, enjoy a BBQ with friends and family, or just relax!

Take a look at our top tips for decluttering your outdoor space and creating a fantastic, usable space.

Outdoor Storage is key!

When decluttering your garden, you should always start by emptying your shed or storage space and working out what to keep, recycle, bin or sell. Sheds are often full to the brim with gardening tools, summer furniture, bikes and outdoor toys but once organised it’s possible to see what storage space you’re working with.

Try adding shelves, hooks, and labelled storage boxes to save space and improve access to your stored belongings. There’s nothing worse than clambering over old bicycles, fishing rods, and decorating equipment to get the BBQ out!

If you don’t have access to outdoor storage, consider our range of personal storage units at the SureStore self-storage facility in Manchester.

Keep It Neat & Tidy

Once you’ve cleared out your outdoor storage, you’ll then have the space for any items around your garden that should be put away. Remember to gather any of the kid’s toys, old tools, bike parts and sports equipment as well as getting rid of any broken plant pots.

When organising your outdoor storage, it’s important to keep it neat and tidy. Try placing items that you’ll need more often, such as garden chairs and the lawnmower, at the front for easy access.

Get Green-fingered

Once decluttered, it’s time to get green-fingered and make the most of your outdoor space or garden. Mowing the grass is a good place to start, before working on your edges and borders.

Remove any weeds or stray grass with a hand fork or trowel and replace it with plants and flowers of your choice. You may also want to include some nice plant pots and trim back any large shrubs.
For more top tips on seasonal storage and how to declutter your living space, take a look at our Time to Spring Clean post, or check out these top 6 ways to declutter your home.

To find out more about our range of secure storage units in Manchester, call our friendly and experienced SureStore team on 0800 0129133!