
5 Alternative Uses for Your Self-Storage Unit in Bury

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5 Alternative Uses For Your Self-Storage Unit In Bury

When it comes to storage units, most of us can be pretty unimaginative. Although we often consider storage units primarily space for people to store belongings they no longer have space for or somewhere to keep your possessions while you move home, they actually can be used in far more imaginative ways.

In fact, we’re going to share with you the many creative uses our Bury self-storage customers have found for their storage spaces! So, if you thought your storage unit was just for storage, or you’re looking for an exciting new way to make the most of your SureStore storage unit – you’d best read on.

Alternative Self-Storage Use #1 – A Personal Gym

Anyone who’s stepped foot in a gym in the last few years will tell you that they’re often incredibly busy and far too expensive. It’s hard to get any sort of workout if you have to queue to use a piece of equipment, and it’s even harder if you then have to clean up sweat covered equipment before you can even begin. Well, why not beat the queues, the over-priced membership fee, and the stranger’s sweat, by creating a workout space in your self-storage unit?

Unlike other self-storage companies, we’re happy for our customers to turn their storage units into workout spaces. By storing your own weights, mats, treadmills and other workout equipment in your storage unit, you’ll be able to access it whenever you want – you’ll never have to queue again!

Furthermore, all of our Bury facility’s storage units are monitored around the clock by state-of-the-art security systems, so your personal gym will always be safe, secure and ready for you to use whenever you want! So, what are you waiting for? Slip on your trainers, turn-up the music, and get a killer workout with SureStore.

Alternative Self-Storage Use #2 – A Reflective Space

In this day and age, it can be hard to find a moment of peace – all the more so at home. Even if you don’t have children, there’s often a constant barrage of both activity and information, and it can be incredibly hard to get away from it and find time to decompress. Although there’s been a marked increase in the number of Yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness and Pilates classes available, you’ll still be hard pressed to find a lesson where someone’s phone doesn’t ring halfway through. If only you had a completely private space to reflect and relax…

Well, why not turn your self-storage unit into a reflective space in which to meditate and gain some perspective? If you turn your phone off, you’re almost guaranteed serenity – however all of our self-storage units do have Wi-Fi access, so if you’re easily distracted it may be best to leave your phone at home!

So, if you’re looking for a calm, secluded, and safe location in which to relax, meditate or exercise, SureStore is happy to help.

Alternative Self-Storage Use #3 – A Private Arcade

If you’ve been down to Bury’s Arcade Club recently, you’re probably thinking about how you can make your very own private arcade – I know SureStore is! Thankfully, if you live in the Bury area, you’re more than welcome to set up your own private arcade in one of our highly secure and affordable storage units; in fact, I think everyone at SureStore’s Bury facility is hoping you do!

With that being said, perhaps you’re not so big on the old arcade machines, but instead prefer to play on the more modern systems – if that’s the case, there’s no need to worry. SureStore is equally happy for you to use the space as a sort of gigantic video-game cave.

All of our self-storage units have 24/7 access to high-speed Wi-Fi, so you don’t have to worry about any pesky lag stealing your frag. All of our self-storage units are also monitored by round the clock, state-of-the-art security systems – meaning your precious valuables are safe and secure. What are you waiting for? Grab some beanbags, snacks, and friends so that you can settle in for a massive gaming session at SureStore.

Alternative Self-Storage Use #4 – A Hobby Hole

Is your better half sick of your model railway or aeroplane hobby? Or perhaps you’re an artist with a bad habit of never cleaning up your workstation? Regardless of your passion, if you’re looking for a modern and secluded environment in which to indulge your hobby, you might want to consider turning your self-storage unit into a hobby hole.

At SureStore we’re happy for our customers in Bury to use their self-storage spaces to pursue their hobbies!

Our self-storage spaces can offer hobbyists the same level of privacy available in rented art studios and are much more affordable! So, grab your easel, gather your paints and get creative at SureStore!

Alternative Self-Storage Use #5 – Storage for your E-commerce Business

With the world increasingly moving online, and more and more people running businesses from home, it’s not surprising to find that many people are struggling to manage their businesses’ inventory. If you’ve found yourself in a similar position, where you’re almost living alongside your e-commerce stock, you might want to consider using a SureStore self-storage unit.

Using a self-storage unit for your online businesses’ inventory will free up a mammoth amount of space at home, giving you more freedom to use your actual living space, for living. Our self-storage units come in a vast range of sizes, so we’re sure we’ll be able to accommodate your e-commerce business’ storage needs.


Furthermore, our self-storage units have 24/7 Wi-Fi access, meaning you can easily manage and check any order specifications whilst you are in your storage unit. So, if you’re looking to free up space at home, but need a place to store your E-commerce inventory – get in contact with SureStore today!

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